
In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Kyle!

Today is my little brother Kyle's birthday! He is 18 so he isn't so little anymore but that's okay. It was kind of sad to have to miss the birthday but I called him so it's all good. I do miss my brothers a lot. I'm so excited to go home even though that wont be until May.

Today was an okay day. Nothing too exciting. Went to class and took notes for an hour and a half and then came home and took a nap. It is so fun staying up late and going to the Cottage to hang with Rat and Kissy but waking up in the morning is not my fav. So the nap was excellent! Also we decided that when we are stressed, we all go for a drive. I was kind of stressing out tonight just about every thing so I just took a lil scenic drive to the north end of town. I opened the sun roof and just turned on some music. I think I'm calm now haha! I just have had a lot on my mind. Thinking and me are just not friends. I always get some crazy idea. Then that leads to decisions that could change my life. When I decided what I'm doing, I'll let ya'll know but so far I got nothin.

I am super excited for summer! I cant wait to be done with this school year. I am soooooo ready for the sun to shine everyday and for it to be warmer than 60 degrees. I was thinking today about people though. I always wonder why people do the things they do. Like when I was on my way home from work I was just driving along minding my own business when I noticed I was going about 55 mph in a 45 mph zone. Since I don't want ANOTHER speeding ticket, I slowed down, but not before I noticed the car behind me was seriously riding my A. Like if I had braked too much they probably would have hit me! I was just like what the! I just slowed down and they flew around me and pretty sure I saw the bird... Hope you got a speeding ticket Mr Speedy Pants! Whatever! Anyway I guess thats about all for tonight. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KYLE! I hope you had a fantastic day! PEACE!

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