
In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Another Week...

So my days off from work are Tuesday and Wednesday right... So I feel as if the week starts on Thursday instead of Monday. So Today was my Monday and it pretty much sucked as all Monday's usually do. I had to go to work of course which really wasn't so bad  but I learned something while I was at work that upset me. I also am just a stupid kid and sometimes I wanna just hit myself in the arm and say "Really Alan? Did you really just do that?" Nothing horrible happened I just feel stupid. I seriously wonder what I am thinking when I do things sometimes. Like really? Wow. Anyway enough of that. Everyone makes mistakes and all you can do is just get over it. Not a big deal just keep on trucking.
Besides that Nothing much has been going on. Its been exciting watching everyone move into the apartments around us... Kind of annoying when every grandma in the state is supervising the moving but whatever... I have gotten sick of bossy grandmas that arent even my grandma. It has sucked not being able to park in my normal spot, but Im excited to make new friends.
I also signed up for an institute class. I cant wait for it to start but I have to miss the first day because I will be in Vernal. I have a dentist appointment next week so I get to go home on Tuesday. Im super excited about that! Its been like a month since I went to Vernal last and I am just a real happy kid that I get to go again. My brothers will be starting school next week too so I get to see all that excitement LOL
Anyway I guess that is about all for now. Sorry that I never really have anything interesting to say, but thats my life. Peace out.

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